What I've Done
I Drive DevSecOps and Automation!
This is something I can’t live without!
At previous companies, I’ve championed DevSecOps by:
- Significantly Improving CI Efficiency - to a fraction of build time across Dev, Test and Staging/Production pipelines.
- Improving Environment Provisioning - in terms of process automation, visibility/logging, reproducibility, frequency.
- Automating Version Control and Backup of Build Configuration Templates - redundant stored for fast access to recent environment configurations and to safeguard against disaster.
- Driving DevSecOps Culture and Initiatives:
- Running Department Educational Sessions: on CI/CD and DevSecOps culture and mechanisms.
- Pushing Security Awareness and Collaboration: I ran an educational and collaborative strategy session on API vulnerabilities for our product launch, which resulted in multiple risks being raised for resolution before go-live.
- All of these initiatives were greatly appreciated by our development team and lauded by my supervisor.
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